Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ganesha Statue Brings Positive Energy and Wealth for Your Home

Ganesha Idol
Happiness, prosperity and good health are the basic essentials of calm and peaceful life. Ganesha is one among the most popular Hindu Gods. The Lord Ganesha is worshipped before initiating any ritual and also before starting any new venture. Idols and images of Ganesha are very popular and in demand even outside India. The Ganesha image with the elephant countenance and pot belly is a wonderful artwork also. The aesthetic sense of Ganapathy's image invokes curiosity and wonder of an art lover. At the same time, the devotion with which Ganapati is worshipped is the most significant aspect.

Ganesha at a Glance

Ganesha has many names. He is known as Vinayaka, Pillayar, Lambodara, Mahodara. He is considered as the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. He is brother to Lord Karthikeya. He is the lord who brings success, prosperity and removes obstacles. It is a routine in Hindu homes to worship Ganesha before starting anything , including cooking. It is considered that worshiping Ganesha can ward off ill luck and can bring positive favorable energy.

Different types of Ganesha Idols

There are different kinds of Ganesha idol, which is made of different materials which have different connotations and also there are thirty-two types of representation of Ganapathy.
Silver Ganesha For Fame and Publicity

Wood Ganesha- Good health, long life and success
Ganesha wood
Clay Ganesha - Success, Removes obstacles
clay ganesha

Brass Ganesha - Prosperity and Joy

Rules to Follow When Placing Ganesha Idols in a Home

While keeping the idol of Ganesha at home, one should be careful about the location. While placing it one should try to avoid the below-mentioned position for sure.

1. Not under the staircase.
2. Not to face house entrance so the back of idol faces the rest of house.
3. It is not ideal to keep inside the bedroom.

While installing Ganapathy for worship one should follow certain rules.
  • Should find idol which is not taller than 18 cms.
  • Should not buy idols which have its trunk turned towards the right , because they have to be worshiped with special rituals and daily poojas has to be performed . some it is necessary to make sure only those who can do the Pooja’s without any interruption should only buy this idol at home.
What Ganesha Idol Symbolizes?
 (image: orangecarton dot com)
Ganesha Idol symbolism

Buy Ganesha Idols Online from DevotionalStore

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Top 10 Things a Keralite should know about Karkidakam

  • Karkidakam month is the last month of traditional malayalam solar calendar.

  • Karkidakam month  is from July 16 2016 to August 16 2016

  • Malayalis follow a tradition of Ramayanam recital in this month. It is part of inculcating discipline in one’s life.

  • The movement of sun towards south begins during this month called dakshinayanam.

  • Special health care is observed.

  • Almost a decade back it was a season of heavy rainfall, so there were severe scarcity of food grains and agricultural products. So this month was called as panja karkidakam.

  • It is advised to take healthy traditional food like kanji during karkidakam month.

  • Karkidakam month is a month of spiritual and physical rejuvenation for Malayalis.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Why Agnihotra a vedic ritual is significant today? - Devotional Store

Agnihotra is a fire ritual which is performed twice a day. It is a Vedic ritual, performed during the ancient period. During the Vedic period, there were many rituals which were performed with utmost care and precision to invoke the energy of nature. It is considered that it is essential to purify the spiritual and physical pollution aggregated around a human being. Agnihotra is performed in relation to this purpose.

As part of daily routine, many rituals were performed during the vedic period. It was for the physical and mental well-being. Rituals were performed with care and it was very scientific. It has many rules, that has to be performed without making any errors to get the result. The main aim of performing such kind of rituals are to establish a cosmic bond with the power of nature and human. It is a way of connecting the soul and mind to the energy sources of nature.

Ashumath’s Agnihotra is an innovative method to bring the goodness of age-old tradition to the present generation in all its glory, at the same time without much complexities and difficulty. Agnihotra kit has PURE (panacea ultimate for rousing energy) which in turn has two components. Pure Pyramid which is made on the basis of Vedic calculations and Panacea ultimate which is a mixture of several herbs and powder. Panacea Ultimate has to be burned in Pure Pyramid and that releases smoke which can cleanse the air and also mind-body. Daily combustion of Agnihotra can create a protective layer around your habitat.

aushmath agnihotra kit
Significance of Agnihotra Kit
  • It is the best possible way to cleanse your spiritual environment and also it helps in the goodness of health.
  • The age old traditions are really valuable and they are significant because of the depth of scientific understanding it has.
  • Nature is the ultimate source of energy , it is the healer of all kinds of wounds- physical , mental or spiritual
  • The nature-friendly way of life gives peace, happiness, and prosperity
  • The age old traditions are based on the experiences of many generations who inhabited this world before us. So it should be observed with much respect.
  • To enjoy the goodness of tradition in the most convenient way is really an asset.

It is interesting to let you know that we at DevotionalStore has this unique product that redefines your life…

Monday, July 11, 2016

How Maraprabhu is related to Vastu Shastra and How it brings good luck to your home?

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Vastu Shastra:

Vastu is a science of architecture. The term Vastu means dwelling place. Vastu Shastra is based on energy from different sources like sun, water, lunar, light, magnetic and wind energy. These energies are significant and they have an influence on human beings. The impact of these energies has a significant role in human life. But it usually remains unnoticed.
Human life is part of this wonderful universe. The life of human beings is balanced by various energies of nature. The influence of energy on human beings affects the life and feelings of human beings. The way energies act differs from place to place, depending upon the location of the place. Vasthu Shastra is a detailed study about these energies and the impact it has on the people.
Vastu analyzes five elements of nature and its interplay. The way it acts on different locations varies. The balancing of this energy is a way to balance human life and emotions. Giving considerable significance to Vastu and building structures can give better energy movement and can help in bringing positive energy and happiness.
Vasthu and Idols

Vastu manifests through idols and symbols also. Idols are symbols of something which has great significance. They are not just piece of art but it has many significance but they are also a channel of good energy. One such idol is Maraprabhu. It is a symbol of devotion, radiant health. Maraprabhu has an interesting myth and history related to it.

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Maraprabhu Myth

Melpathur and Poonthanam were great scholars who were devotees of Guruvayoorappan. They were contemporaries too. At the same time Melpathur was well versed in Sanskrit and he wrote in scholarly language. At the same time Poonthanam also wrote in layman language. Once Poonthanam was reciting Sanskrit slogan and there happened a mistake while reciting. He wrongly recited as ‘Padmanabha Marabrabha ‘which means God of trees, hearing this Melpathur openly laughed at him. To sooth and support poonthanam , Guruvayoorappan intervened as a celestial voice and said, ‘ I am also Maraprabhu ‘.


Maraprabhu is the world’s largest terracotta idol in the world. it was inaugurated by former Kerala Chief MInister. K. Karunakaran. The sculptor of this huge terracotta is P.V. Ramachandran.The sculptor is considered as the embodiment of all the medicinal plants in the world. It is strongly believed that the idol is very effective in curing ailments which remained incurable after years of treatment. The very sight of the idol itself is considered to emit immense energy that can relieve sickness.


The idol is made of clay and it is a representation of man and earth. The energy that emanates from Maraprabhu will harmonise the human mind and stir inner consciousness. The Maraprabhu idol is located in the sreevalsam complex of guruvayoor. It is constructed using herbs and ghee by labours who worked hard for several months.
Having an idol of Maraprabhu is bringing home all the peculiar cosmic radiance of Guruvayoor MaraprabhuIt is a pleasure to make Maraprabhu idol available for purchase through Devotionalstore.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Ramadan Quotes 2016

What Ramadan Fasting is all about?

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 What is Ramadan?
 Ramadan is the most auspicious month for Muslims. Muslims throughout the world observe fasting on this month.
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. The term ‘Ramadan’ means scorching heat or dryness. It is derived from Arabic word Ramida or Ar-Ramada. 
Why Ramadan is observed? -  First Revelation of Quran. 
There are many interesting facts associated with Ramadan. We all know Ramadan is associated with fasting. The Ramadan fasting is observed to commemorate the first revelation of Quran to Muhammad. The month of Ramadan is believed to  be the month  in which  most of the holy scriptures are sent to humanity. It is the time for prayer and self purification.  

Days of Fast. 

ramadan online shopping
Lunar calendar is followed by Muslims all over the world. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, the lunar calendar has 11 days less. It lags behind the solar calendar. Ramadan fast is observed for 29 to 30 days and it starts before sunrise and ends after sunset.

Significance of Ramadan. 
Fasting in Ramadan is one of the main acts to be a true believer. The other being Shahada:belief,  Salat : Prayer , Zakāt: Charity,   Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca. Ramadan month is considered as a time to involve in deep prayers. It is a month fully dedicated for rejuvenating mind and soul. It is observed annually. Ramadan month is totally dedicated for evaluating and cleansing physical and spiritual aspects of a human being.

It gives a new life to the inner self. Ramadan fasting is a spiritual journey. It is abstaining oneself from temptations. It is about being pure and getting detached from the worldly attachment. At the same time it is not a total denial of basic needs.

Ramadan fast is not only about refraining from eating and it is also about keeping body clean. Fasting is a complete control over body and mind. During Ramadan thoughts like jealousy, violence and other negative thoughts should not be entertained. Intimate physical relations should be avoided. Fasting is not about control over food but also about monitoring thoughts.

Ramadan fasting is also a reminder of the kind of life we live. It is a time to experience the hunger and thirst of poor , who are deprived of the basic needs. It is in every way a realisation of inner self and outer world. Only during this period of fasting a normal person with enough food will understand the fortune he enjoys every day.

How it is observed? 
  • During Ramadan time family gather early in the morning ( around 4 A.M) and have their food together. the pre-dawn food is called Suhoor
  • Food has to be taken before the first Morning Prayer and after that prayer has to be observed.
  • After that food should not be taken till the sun set.
  • During this period Muslims observe 5 times Namaz  - Subhah, Duhar, Azar, Maghrib and Isha with utmost sincerity.
  • On hearing Maghrib prayer , fast can be broken. Maghrib is the prayer during sunset.
  • Iftar is the food that is consumed to break the fast.
  • Iftar is followed by Isha prayer.
  • After isha there is a special prayer during this Ramadan season, Taraweeh. Taraweeh is a long prayer.

Don'ts during Ramadan fasting.  
There are many things from which a person observing fast should abstain from. 
  • Smoking should be avoided.
  • Fasting person should be calm and behave well
  • Muslims are expected not to involve in music and dance
  • Should not chew gums and those who are not observing fast should not eat in public
  • Old persons are exempted from fasting.
  • Sick persons and those who are on medication need not to fast.
  • Pregnant and nursing ladies should not fast.
  • Menstruating women are also exempted from fasting. If bleeding occurs during fasting, women can break their fast.
  • Persons who are travelling should avoid fasting.
ramadan fasting online shopping
 Ramadan eve is special and it is celebrated worldwide. It is a month of prayer. Self purification is the main way to bring peace and happiness to humanity. It is through individual  that whole humanity can progress. Ramadan fasting stand for self realisation and self purification. It is for the goodness of world. Ramadan month is divine for the concepts it stands for. It is for the collective goodness of the society everyone should work and do his part. That is the meaning of Ramadan fast.
 Ramadan eve is special and it is celebrated worldwide. It is a month of prayer. Self-purification is the main way to bring peace and happiness to humanity. It is through the individuals  that whole humanity can progress. Ramadan fasting stands for self-realisation and self-purification. It is for the goodness of the world. Ramadan month is divine for the concepts it stands for. It is for the collective goodness of the society everyone should work and do his part. That is the meaning of Ramadan fast.
 Each and every religion has its own distinguished ways of observing their religious practices. Previously the main principles of religion and the ways of practicing are known only to those who practise that particular religion.  In this world of knowledge and digital revolution, knowledge has become accessible to all. Those who are interested in knowing more about religion can access through various means.
 One such means for accessing the authentic knowledge about Islam directly from Quran is through Q- Pen. Q-pen is a special product designed to make Quran accessible and understandable to many. Q-pen has a pen which enables one to read Quran in Arabic and in 15 other languages. So even a person who can't read Arabic can understand the thoughts and meaning directly from Quran.  
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On this Ramadan season, there are many products like Q-PenQ speaker, and Q-light available Online at Devotional Storethat makes Ramadan more special and immersed in prayer.

Mirrors Of Aranmula- Why it is so special to own an Aranmula Kannadi?

devotionalstore aranmula kannadi
What is special About Aranmula Kannadi?
A mirror is not just a smooth surface that reflects our image, it is much more than that. It also has a significant place in mythologies. There are many facts, stories, myths and superstitious beliefs associated with mirror. A mirror is an interesting object. It is considered as a good omen in some mythology and folklore, at the same time it is considered as a bad omen too (especially the broken mirror).

Aranmula Kannadi is a traditional handmade mirror. Aranmula Kannadi has several features which make it unique. The mirror has front end reflection, unlike the normal mirror . This mirror is made of metal alloy. Moreover, the art of mirror making is kept as a secret and the secret formula is known only to a single extended family.


It is made in Aranmula. Aranmula is a small temple village situated on the banks of river Pampa, Pathanamthitta. Aranmula is associated with temples and many other rituals. This place is the venue of famous traditional snake boat regatta . Aranmula is a global heritage site enlisted by UNESCO. Aranmula has many temples which are associated with each other in one way or another. Parthasarathy Temple is the most prominent temple.

parthasarathy temple
Parthasarathy Temple
Parthasarathy temple is an ancient temple . Krishna is the main deity. Parthasarathy is another name of Krishna. Krishna was the charioteer of Parthan (Arjuna) at the time of Mahabharata. It is one of the important Krishna temples in Kerala. This temple is connected to the Mahabharata legend. It is believed that after the crowning of Parikshit, the son of Abhimanyu as the prince, the Pandavas left Hastinapur and they travelled throughout India. It is believed that Arjuna took a bath in holy river Pamba in remorse of killing unarmed Karna. There are also other myths related to this temple. According to one legend, Arjuna built this temple.

aranmula boat race
Boat race

Aranmula village is interwoven with many interesting traditions. One such event is boat race, popularly called as Aranmula Vallamkali. The boat race happens in the month of August- September, on the occasion of Onam celebration. It is a great attraction for tourist. People from different parts of Kerala gather on the banks of Pamba to witness this charging event. It is a traditional competition, which has the spirit of the inhabitants of the land.
aranmula devotionalstore
All one need to know about Aranmula Kannadi

The most significant feature of this land is nothing other than the beautiful handmade mirror which has myths and stories attached to its secret formula.This piece of handicraft has given fame and name to this small beautiful village. It will be interesting to know the significance of Aranmula kannadi and also to know why it is unique and popular.
  • It gives distortion free image 
  • The mirror is made of metal and not of glass, like the silicon glass mirror.
  • The making of mirror is known only to four families
  • Image from Aranmula Kannadi is reflected from upper surface, unlike the bottom layer reflection of normal mirror
  • Aranmula Kannadi gives real image
  • It is unique mainly because of the secrecy associated to its making 
  • It is also one among the eight auspicious items included in ashtamangalyam set.

aranmula mirror
This mirror has many myths attached to it. It is said that the ancestors of the family of artisans making Aranmula Kannadi were from Tamil Nadu and they were engaged in constructing a temple and they were skilled in architecture and metallurgy. To create a wonderful and unique crown, the artisans kept experimenting, and they accidentally got a combination which has high reflection power, and they made a crown out of that. Meanwhile, they were not able to understand the combination of the crown because it came out of an accident. Artisans were disappointed at the loss of formula and they were depressed. The myth goes like this, that Goddess Meenakshi appeared in the dreams of an elderly lady in that family and shared the secret formula to her.

It is necessary to have a very auspicious environment at home and also especially at the time of rituals. Aranmula Kannadi is considered one such thing which welcomes good vibes and brings positive energy. Make Aranmula Kannadi part of your Pooja Room or Front room and experience the positive signs it brings. It is a symbol of divinity, prosperity , positive energy. It is also a perfect piece of art which can be used as an auspicious home decor. Own aranmula kannadi to bring peace, prosperity and health.
Best location to keep Aranmula kannadi at home
Pooja Room
East facing direction
Buy Aranmula kannadi from DevotionalStore. We sell original aranmula kannadi with authentication certificate.