Friday, January 8, 2016

Guruvayoor Maraprabhu


Once a deep devotee of Lord Sree Guruvayoorappan, named Poonthanam, while chanting Vishnu Sahasranama at the temple in font of the Sreekovil, another Sanskrit scholar named Melpathur Bhattathiri happened to come there. On hearing the chanting of Poonthanam – “Padmanabho Maraprbho” Bhattathiri made fun of Poonthanam. He told Poonthanam that it should be Amaraprabho and not Maraprbho. Poonthanam felt very sad and dejected. While he was sitting in this sad condition, there came an “Asareeri” (Divine Sound of God) from the Sreekovil. “ I am Amaraprbhu as well as Maraprbhu”.Maraprabhu is the Lord of all tress, herbs and Bhuvana. Idol Maraprabhu is the visualization of that divine sound of Bhagavan.

Lord Marapraphu – Silpa Incarnation of Lord Sree Guruvayoorappan

Maraprabhu is the biggest terracotta idol. It stands in the Guruvayoor Sreevalsom Devaswam compound, 45 meters away from the main idol Lord Guruvayoorappan. This Silpa Incarnation of the Lord Maraprabhu is 52 ft tall. Millions of devotees throng to this rare idol every year for mental peace and to get relief. Maraprabhu is the myth and the total embodiment of the Vishnu Sahasranama.

The Moolamantra Of Lord Maraprabhu (The Primal Chant)

“Brahmanda Sarwaswavum
Jeddhare vazhikkumee
Mara Amara Prabhuve
[Brahmnad – the whole universe, Sarwaswam – All, Jeddhare – womb, Vahikkume – carrier, Mara Amara – Mortal and Immortal]
I worship the Lord Maraprabhu who carries the cosmic universe in his womb.
Even the yogis and Devathas wonder what could Maraprabhu bear in the heart and the head!


Thousands of Artists worked hard for months together to complete this holy idol, which is constructed in terracotta.
Thousands of different types of herbs were used in the thanthric construction of this idol, which is 52 feet tall.
The idol Lord Mraprabhu is the material embodiment of all the medicinal herbs all over the world. Lord Maraprabhu is the whole and complete symbol of the eternal potentialities of medicinal herbs. This idol, which is installed in the Sreevalsam of Guruvayoor devaswam, is one of the biggest terracotta idols in the world. The spiritual energy generated instantaneously at the sight of Lord Maraprbhu is capable of curing all ailments. Those who have found medicines ineffective even after years of treatment will be healed miraculously and will also gain Abheeshtasiddhi at the very sight of this wonderful idol.
This idol sculptured in the traditional terracotta style, is also a symbol of the bond between man and clay. This idol with its trunk sucking at the deeper most essence of the earth for sustenance, with the eyes of Sun sparkling into Eternity; with the crown overflowing with boughs charged with the herbal power will be a powerful antenna of the world. The grace that emanates from Lord Maraprabhu will harmonies the human mind and awaken his subconscious. The idol Lord Maraprabhu will spread happiness in the world till the end of time. Meditating Lord Maraprabhu, people can open up a new chapter in their life, with the blessings of Lord Sree Guruvayoorappan World Cosmic Power.

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Tags: Devotional Store, Spiritual Store, Maraprabhu, Idols, Hindu Idols